Friday, April 4, 2008

Cute Kids

Just a random picture I took the other day before Lucy went to school. She was dressed so cute in some of her new Easter cloths, as was Zoie so I took some cute pictures. Didn't realize till after the fact that Talmadge was still in his sleepers, either way you can't really tell. Mornings around my house are a nightmare, I love the days that we don't have to rush off somewhere. Next year everyday we will have to take Lucy to school, so after this summer the rest of my life begins with School, School, and more School.


Mandi A. said...

Love it! Baby T (as Ellie still calls him) looks so much older...I still picture him as a little baby. Miss you guys!

Prestwich Family said...

Just do as I do. Take the kids to school. Put the little one in front of the TV and go to bed!!

Prestwich Family said...

Just do as I do. Take the kids to school. Put the little one in front of the TV and go to bed!!

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

your kids always look so cute!! I'm always jealous of your girls' outfits, not only do they have cute clothes, they have the great looks to go with them!

Anonymous said...

What a great picture!! I'm going to print it to put in my planner so I can show them off.

Thanks for the update!

I love you all,


Gina said...

Amber live it up while you can! I hate mornings!! And once your kids start giong to school it never slows down!

Will & Cheyenne said...

Long live Spring Break!!!! Which we are enjoying right now!

It's nice to see a pic of all three of your kids at once. They are just precious!!

Caldwell Chatter said...

Great lookin' family, I love the pj's I wish I could stay in my all day long! = )Mornings are relentless during school days there is no way around that. ; )