Sunday, January 20, 2008


O.k. so this is the story of my life for about the last 2 weeks. I have been so stressed out that I have been not sleeping. Here it is 5 am and I'm laying awake in bed, so I decided to come blog loooosssseeeer. This is late for me this morning. The routine has been, I can actually fall asleep quick at night time, but when Talmadge wakes up in the middle of the night for a drink, I DO NOT fall back to sleep. Sometimes 2, 3, 4......I'm going crazy. Any suggestions. There is not enough caffine to keep me happy and going during the day.


Mandi A. said...

That sucks! I can't function without sleep...Im freaking out about having another newborn here ;o) Sorry Im no help, Im the opposite - I feel like I need to sleep all the time (and caffene isn't working for me either)

Will & Cheyenne said...

Wish I had some advice for you. In the meantime, just try, however you can to get a quickie nap during the day, or early evening. Is you mind buzzing, or just tossing and turning? Sorry babe!

Will & Cheyenne said...

What's your email?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is the "Red Bulls" you drink during the day to try to stay awake????

Try the relaxation tape from Tassinari. It really works!

Lisa Brown said...

I feel so bad for you! I was just telling my friend the same thing the other day! I can fall asleep at night, but once woken by the kids...can't get back to sleep for sometimes hours. I think I am just going to start reading or something. Or, maybe I will call you :) JK. Sorry, hope it gets better for you.

The Sorensons said...

Oh Amber I feel for you right now! I'm having the same problems! Oh the joys of being a parent :) Well you know Paul has some great relaxation tips if you want to try them (I personally can't get over the fact that my husband uses this on people ha ha so it doesn't work too well)Ha i'm busting up here. Maybe you need to be more busy during the day (as if your schedule isn't already busy)Best of luck I'll be awake in the early am thinking your awake too.